It's been a long time since I've written here, and a lot of water under the bridge since. We've moved to another country--south to Mexico, where I've imagined training along the sandy lakeshore or its paved walkway. This move--visas, packing, storing, travel, immigration, customs, house-hunting-- has taken a much of my energy.
I tried keeping up with the PT's recommended strategy for getting back into running, but the knee was still complaining. I wasn't used to its complaints. My knees had never been a problem before last summer, either of them. And the left knee ached after running--actually, jogging--for two or three minutes.
I chalked it down to something I needed to overcome.
About three weeks ago, though, I was talking to Matt, my friend, former colleague and trainer. He asked me how the knee was getting along and I told him--just what I've written above. Matt urged me to just get back to walking, preserving my knee for the hiking I love, and foregoing running until it felt stronger. He told me it might take a year, but keeping active was much more important that continually stressing something in the search for a trophy.
Matt is a wise person, especially about health. Since that conversation, I've pretty much been doing what he suggested, maybe even slacking off too much, but most of that's down to preparing for this big move I mentioned.
I'm looking forward to the time when I can burst into a run and feel, once again, almost like flying. But I'm not going to push it--not at all.